The opening track on this release is quite a spiritual vibe to what I wasn’t expecting but it certainly gets interesting as the track continues on, I haven’t actually heard an album being opened like this before so I got a bit more interested to hear what the rest of the album is like. The second track In Ashes is a weird vibe which then drops but I am certainly not really a fan of this as the singing just puts me off the heaviness of the vibes.
Honestly have no interest in ever listening to this album again due to the fact it just seems to be pointless in what it’s trying to do and I thought with the name that I might have some form of enjoyment in this album but I was totally wrong. The harsh vocals that they put in certain parts of the songs don’t even sound like they’re placed right and that they’re just put there because they can do them which is disappointing.
In this album they’ve included stuff with synths which just sound like they’re trying to please everyone and for me they’re failing on what they’re trying to do in most of their other songs. This would be a good spiritual release if you’re into that sort of music I reckon but I don’t see the point in half of what they’re trying to do on this release which is disappointing for me. The mix on this release is also absolutely terrible which takes away the listening pleasure of what it is.
Would not recommend anyone listening to this album but if you want to listen to this album then come in with an open mind as you might be dissapointed otherwise.
I think I must be missing the point in this album or the fact it does nothing for me
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