Every so often in this job you strike gold. It seems I’ve found a hefty deposit in bonnie wee Scotland yet again. Tiberius (a lovely lot, ought to be said) have recently released their second EP The Beautiful Ones. And I’ll tell ya it’s suitably named.
To be perfectly honest I wasn’t expecting what I got. I suspected I’d like it on account of some like minded folk singing it’s praises but I like it for reasons that are unusual to me. It’s not the insane dirty heaviest of all that was ever heavy that I’ve come to love over the years, but takes a more soothing direction. That’s not to say it’s sissy. They’ve just created something that I can’t quite put a label on and I’ve had it on repeat ever since I got my copy. I’ve not yet had a chance to listen to the self titled first EP but I will be going out of my way to get my hands on it.
Vocally I can hear some Bruce Dickinson inspiration with a touch of Howard Jones, a strange combination perhaps but I for one am impressed. Grant’s range is beyond impressive and I absolutely adore his voice. Even the music is something special. I’m not sure who the mastermind behind the writing is but he needs a great big croissant (or whatever foodstuffs he likes most) to congratulate him. I’ve had a kid and I feel like this accomplishment is more impressive than mine.
So if you’re reading this and you’re umming and ahhing over whether or not you should spend your hard earned (or not, I ain’t gon’ judge) money on The Beautiful Ones, I’m going to make the decision easy for you. Just fucking do it. Tiberius deserve it more than most.
Also, a quote from their EPK “Formed over their shared love of nachos…” and I love anything that bonds over nachos. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to share some with them.
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